Before an espresso machine can produce a quality drink, it must have a constant supply of quality water.

A water filtration system should be in place for the cappuccino espresso machine and it must be regularly serviced.

Many filters reduce their water flow as they deteriorate and this can cause costly damage to your machine. In addition, if a water softener is in place, it must be regenerated on a regular basis.

One of the most important and most often overlooked areas of an cappuccino espresso machine is the group head. This area requires special attention because it is where the coffee actually comes in contact with the machine.

A simple and essential part of your maintenance routine must include back flushing. Brewed espresso leaves a substantial residue on all brewing surfaces. This residue gives a bitter, stale flavour to espresso drinks and residue can damage your equipment by clogging dispersion screens, valves, brewing passages and jets. Back flushing consists of removing one of the filter baskets from a filter holder, replacing it with a blind filter (one without holes) placing it into each group head, and then dispensing water from the group as if pulling a shot.

Run the machine in this manner for about 5 seconds and then stop. The blind filter will cause the water to pressurize, and when you stop extracting, it will flush back through the group screen and group solenoid (hence the name) and help to clean out any accumulations of coffee grounds and oils that may have formed.

This technique can be done periodically with water alone, but at least once a week you should back flush with liquid detergent such as Clean Express. To use the detergent, simply place a teaspoon on top of the blind filter before back flushing. Run the group in 5 second intervals several times. After back flushing with Clean Express, it is important to remove the filter-holder and run the group again to rinse out all remaining detergent. At this point it is a good idea to back flush several more times with water only, to ensure that no detergent remains within the solenoid discharge valve. This process will greatly reduce the amount of coffee oil accumulation within the group head and solenoid and help to ensure great tasting espresso.

In addition to back flushing, the group gaskets should be cleaned every day to help maintain a positive seal between the group head and the filter-holder. This is best accomplished using a specially designed group cleaning brush and hot water to vigorously scrub around the sealing surface. Other daily maintenance should include, purging and cleaning of the steam wands with warm soapy water and a non-abrasive cloth to remove all milk residue.

As a final daily routine, the drain tray should be removed and a jug of boiling water should be poured into the drain cup to help rinse accumulated coffee grounds out of the cup and down through the drain hose.

Even with regular back flushing, the group head shower screens must be periodically replaced, as coffee oils will eventually build up and clog the screen. You may notice your espresso shots tasting less than perfect as a result. Another sure sign of screen build-up is water spraying out in all directions rather than an even and constant flow while running the group with the filter-holder removed. Either of these should prompt you to replace the screens, which can be done quite easily.

Performing regular maintenance will not only ensure quality that you and your customers can taste, but will help alleviate costly repair bills. Although you should have your equipment periodically inspected by a factory-trained technician, there are many minor adjustments and simple repairs that any owner/operator could perform with a small quantity of tools, saving you valuable time and money.

Even if you choose not to perform any repairs yourself, the information presented will make it much easier for you to communicate problems to your technician and in turn, save you money on diagnosis and repair.

Cleaning Liquid
Excellent oil remover from the groups
£13.00 + VAT = £14.95

Group Brush
New group brush, remove all the coffee from the shower
£1.50 + VAT = £1.73

Blind filter
Basic tool to keep the group clean
£6.50 + VAT = £7.47

Group Shower
At least once every 6 months should be replaced
£5.90 + VAT = £6.78